Drum Dumpers Handling Equipment


Steel Drum Dumper

Hydraulic Drum Dumper

Steel drum containers play a simple yet fundamental role in the transportation of materials that fuel this nation’s economy. In 2013, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that Americans consumed a total of 6.9 billion barrels of petroleum products, which averages to about 18.9 million barrels per day. Worldwide, those numbers approach the immense rate of 32 billion barrels consumed each year. This trend is expected to balloon as demand increases over the next five years with countries like China and India seeing extensive growth in many industrial and transportation sectors. With this comes a need to handle and dispose of the potentially dangerous chemicals that are often stored in these drums.

For many industrial facilities, expediting the process of drum cleanup and transport is just as important as following the proper guidelines of disposal. Drum dumpers handling equipment are steel constructed devices used to control the pouring, measuring and dispensing the contents of steel, plastic and fiber drums. Typically powered by hydraulics, these units can be set to dump at various heights of operation and also have liquid tight welded metal chutes to control leaks and the flow of materials from the drum. Their capacity can range from 750 to 1,500 pounds.

Types of Drum Dumpers

Drum Rotator and Dumper

Forklift Drum Dumper Attachment

Made for the easy use of worksite personnel, portable drum dumpers are adapted to tight aisle spaces and equipped with real swivel casters and large 8 inch rigid front wheels to glide 55 gallon steel drums to their intended destinations. The 3/4 horsepower motor of hydraulic models can lift drums at the push of a button, making it simple to discard waste from heights up to 72 inches. Manually operated and hand crank options are also available. Vertical adjustment drum restraints secure the barrel to the unit while an emergency brass safety velocity fuse increase workplace safety and reduce the chance for workers to come into contact with hazardous or toxic materials.

An inexpensive and ergonomically friendly option that makes the most out of a facility’s existing equipment, a forklift drum dumper attachment is excellent for carrying, dumping and rotating barrels from the seat of any sit down rider forklift equipped with a 15 foot chain. A self-locking rotator prevents materials from being dumped unless directed by the operator.

A number of options for controlling the disposal and transfer of drummed material allow for a facility to find a suitable model of drum dumper to fit their needs. Not only will this equipment keep the flow of traffic on jobsites smooth, it allows both managers and employees to control the level of safety on the factory floor.